RFCA Architecture Guideline Updates

As a historic neighborhood with a strong architectural character, the RFCA Architectural Committee maintains Guidelines for Exterior Modifications to maintain the quality and aesthetic of the community. The Committee recently reviewed the Fenceguidelines in light of questions and issues from recent applications as well as newer trends. Through that review, it has proposed the below revision to the RFCA Board in order to ensure the guidelines are clear and easy for residents to follow.

Residents may submit responses to the updated guidelines from now until Friday May 6th. The Architectural Committee will monitor and review responses before publishing the final version of the guidelines to the RFCA Board on or around Wednesday May 8th. The RFCA Board will vote to approve the guidelines in the May 11th meeting.

The Architectural Committee values the community's input to make sure that we properly incorporate reasonable updates, while also maintaining the neighborhood aesthetic with current building materials, context, and existing conditions. All comments, suggestions, feedback, etc. should be submitted via the online form to track and make sure we are able to consider resident feedback. Please click here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEtaNQTseKLpAu916NCt59imKu4Mp0IqN-5czqhUjdF9wEoA/viewform?usp=sf_link   to submit a comment.


Current Guideline:

• Fences may not be constructed in the front yards of houses and may not extend towards the front of the house beyond a line even with the rear wall of the house.

Revision Proposal:

• Fences may not be constructed in the front yards of houses.

• For end of group and end of block properties, fences higher than 42” may not extend towards the front of the house beyond a line even with the rear wall of the house. Fences that are 42” or less may extend to the front wall of the house and no further.


Dumpster Day – Saturday, April 23rd


Dumpster Day – April 23rd