Annual Meeting and Election
The Rodgers Forge Annual Meeting and election will be held on October 2 at 7 pm in the Rodgers Forge Elementary School Cafeteria.
The agenda includes:
Annual Association Updates
New Board Members Elections
Guest Presentations:
Senator Mary Washington
Delegate Catherine Forbes
Councilman Mike Ertel
Captain Schroeder, Baltimore County Police Department (Towson Precinct Commander)

Dumbarton House Porch Concert #3
Stay tuned for more info as the RFCA plans to bring back live music from the porch of the historic Dumbarton House during the summer of 2024.

Dumbarton House Porch Concert #1
Stay tuned for more info as the RFCA plans to bring back live music from the porch of the historic Dumbarton House during the summer of 2024.

Dumpster Day
RFCA’s annual Dumpster Day will be Saturday, April 20, 2024. There will be dumpsters available for bulk trash disposal at the Rodgers Forge Elementary School parking lot. The dumpsters should arrive around 8 AM and will be available until noon or whenever they are full. Most trash and household items will be accepted. Please note, we will not accept large items that cannot be lifted manually.