Proposed by-law change re: newsletters
At its next meeting, in July, the RFCA will consider the following by-law amendment:
The Newsletter/Website Committee
2. Duties. a. Publish and deliver at least bi-monthly, to each home within the community a physical newsletter of community news and activities. The frequency of publication of the newsletter must at a minimum be adequate to meet all Community notification requirements.
Proposed change:
The Newsletter/Website Committee
2. Duties. a. Publish and deliver at least quarterly, to each home within the community a physical newsletter of community news and activities. The frequency of publication of the newsletter must at a minimum be adequate to meet all Community notification requirements.
The purpose of this amendment is to give the RFCA the flexibility to potentially deliver fewer newsletters while still keeping the community informed in a timely way.
If you would like to share your opinion of this change, please contact the RFCA here.