RFCA urges zoning changes along York Road

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The Rodgers Forge Community Association, after discussion at several public meetings, today sent Councilman David Marks formal notice that it strongly supports zoning changes along York Road between Dumbarton Road and Overbrook Road. The RFCA said it supports a change to CB (Community Business) on the west side of York (home to Starbucks, Bank of America, etc.) and BLR (Business Local Restricted) on the east side (home to Sass Salon, the Charmery, etc.)

The RFCA also encourages all residents to contact Councilman Marks to share their views. He can be reached at dmarks@baltimorecountymd.gov or 410-887-3384. He is also on Facebook and Twitter.

Councilman Marks had said earlier this year he planned to re-zone both sides to CB (the most restrictive zoning) but later said he was not sure what type of zoning change he might recommend. The Anneslie community has said it supports BLR, which is less restrictive than CB but more restrictive than BL (Business Local). Both sides are currently BL.

Marks also submitted legislation, which passed earlier this month, that bans drive-through restaurants and businesses in this zone.

The developer who is in the process of purchasing the buildings that house businesses from True Balance to Stoneleigh Lanes — and who recently purchased the Uncle Wiggly’s property — has told Marks he wants the area to remain BL. One has to wonder what types of businesses he might sign as tenants if he is against more restrictive zoning.

Marks has also asked people to complete a survey that asks the community what type of shops they’d like to see in the area. The public will not necessarily see the results of the survey, and it is not at all binding on the developer. Please also note that if people say they are OK with a restaurant, an office, or a bank, that could be interpreted by the developer or local officials as the community saying they want the area to remain zoned BL. But BL also allows things like vape stores and hookah lounges. So please do not assume that just because you completed the survey that your input will be taken as it was intended (if you said you were fine with a bank or office there, would you also be OK with a hookah lounge?).

We strongly encourage you to contact Councilman Marks about this directly and tell him you want the area downzoned to CB on the west side and BLR on the east side.


§ 229.4. - Uses in C.B. Zone.


[Bill No. 180-1995]

A. Uses permitted by right: 1. Commercial uses:

Arts and crafts studios

Banks, with no drive-through lane

Barbershops, beauty shops and similar personal service establishments

Dry cleaner, laundromat and establishments which repair clothing or shoes

Offices and medical offices, except bail bondsman as defined by state law

Repair or rental of small appliances

Restaurants, carry-out or standard only (subject to Section 447)

Retail uses, including but not limited to the sale of gifts, jewelry, hardware, drugs, groceries, baked goods, sporting equipment and antiques

Travel agent and similar personal service establishments

Video rental or sales

2. Residential and institutional uses:

Class A and Class B child care facilities

Elderly housing facilities

Nursing homes

Residences, including residences in a commercial building only above the first floor

3. Accessory uses:

Customary accessory uses associated with the uses permitted in Paragraphs 1 and 2, including signs, parking spaces and structures

B. Uses permitted by special exception:

Banks with no more than two drive-through lanes

§ 229.5. - Uses in B.L.R. Zone.

[Bill No. 180-1995]

A. Uses permitted by right:

[Bill No. 60-2011]

Banks with drive-through lanes

Health and athletic clubs

Martial arts and dance studios

Restaurant, fast-food (subject to Section 447)

Tavern, subject to Section 447

Uses permitted by right in the C.B. Zones, subject to Section 447

B. Uses permitted by special exception:


Baseball batting range

Bowling alley

Miniature golf

Wireless transmitting or receiving structures 200 feet or less in height above grade level

SECTION 230 - Business, Local (B.L.) Zone Use Regulations

§ 230.1. - Permitted uses.

A. The following uses only are permitted (See Section 230.2.): 1. Uses permitted and as limited in the residential zone immediately adjoining, except that animal boarding place, Class A, is permitted only as a special exception and kennel is prohibited.

[Bill No. 85-1967]

2. Convalescent home. 3. Tourist home, boarding or rooming houses. 4. Fast-food, drive-through-only restaurant, carry-out restaurant, fast-food restaurant, and standard restaurant, tearoom, convenience store and dairy barn.

[Bill Nos. 40-1967; 110-1993; 86-1994; 27-2003; 49-2016]

5. Bank, building and loan association. 6. Offices and office buildings. 7. Private colleges, dancing schools, conservatory for music and the arts, dormitories and fraternity and sorority houses.

[Resolution of 11-21-1956; Bill No. 47-1985]

8. Business and trade schools.

9.Alcoholic beverage package store

Amusement devices, subject to the provisions of Section 422

[Bill No. 29-1982]

Animal grooming facility

[Bill No. 93-2006]

Antique shop

Arborist, licensed, located in the Parkville Commercial Revitalization District, and provided that no active tree work is performed, no retail sales occur, and no materials including tree limbs, firewood, mulch, wood chips or similar materials are kept or stored, upon the premises. In addition, appropriate screening of the property shall be installed, to the extent possible, in accordance with the Baltimore County Landscape Manual.

[Bill No. 23-2017 ]

Arcade, subject to the provisions of Section 423. A

[Bill No. 29-1982]

Automobile accessory shop

Automobile parking lot

Bakery, but goods baked on the premises must be sold only at retail on the premises, except that wholesale operations are permitted if the bakery is located in a commercial revitalization district and if the retail component of the bakery fronts the street and the wholesale operations are limited to no more than 30 percent of the building's square footage

[Bill No. 86-2009]

Barbershops and beauty shops

[Bill No. 9-1999]

Billiard and pool rooms

[Bill Nos. 61-1967; 85-1967]

Bowling alley

[Resolution of 11-21-1956; Bill Nos. 58-1957; 85-1967]

Camera, photo-supply or film-processing shops or pickup stations (including "drive-by" facilities)

[Bill No. 43-1970]

Candy store, but goods made on the premises must be sold only at retail on the premises, except that retail sales may be supplemented with Internet sales, provided that the retail component of the store fronts the street

[Bill No. 4-2013]

Clothing and accessory stores

Commercial film production, subject to Section 435

[Bill No. 57-1990]

Dairy products store

Department store [1]

Dressmaking and millinery establishments


Dry-cleaning establishment, coin-operated, or retail store plant, etc. (as regulated by the Baltimore County Building Code, Baltimore County Fire, Health and Police Regulations)

[Bill Nos. 142-1962; 85-1967]

Dry-cleaning pickup station

Duplicating service business

[Bill No. 117-1983]

Electrical contractors and appliance repair shop

[Bill Nos. 58-1957; 85-1967]


Food store

Fortune-telling establishments

[Bill No. 124-1978]

Fuel service stations in a planned shopping center or drive-in cluster only, subject to Section 405

[Bill No. 172-1993] [2]

Furniture and upholstery stores

Garden center

[Bill No. 41-1992]

Gift shop

Hand laundry employing not more than five persons

Hardware store


[Bill No. 85-1967]

Hobby shop

Hookah lounge

[Bill No. 16-2014]

Household appliance store

Jewelry store

Laundromat or self-service laundry

Laundry-pickup station

Medical clinic

[Bill No. 37-1988]

Neighborhood car rental agency, subject to Section 408A

[Bill No. 122-2005]

Parking lot

[Resolution of 11-21-1956; Bill No. 85-1967]

Pet shop

Photographic studio

Picnic grove

[Resolution of 11-21-1956; Bill No. 85-1967]

Public utility service center

Radio shop

Radio studio

Rail passenger stations, subject to Section 434

[Bill No. 91-1990]

Recreational vehicle parking lot

[Bill No. 102-2006]

Regional outlet shopping center

[Bill No. 53-2015]

Residential art salon

[Bill No. 85-1967]

Secondhand store

[Bill No. 102-2005]

Shoe repair shop

Social clubs and fraternal organizations

Sporting goods store

Stationery store

Swimming pool

Tailor shop


[Bill Nos. 43-1963 [3]

Television shop

Television studio

Temporary or occasional outdoor sales of cut flowers or live plants (not in connection with florists' establishments), provided that the sales area does not exceed 200 square feet and that the sales are carried on for no more than 120 days per year. Before approving an application for any license required, the Zoning Commissioner must approve a site plan for the premises, showing the sales area and the dates on which flowers or plants are to be sold. Any provision of these regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, the Zoning Commissioner's approval of such a license shall expire one year after its issuance; however, such a license may be reapproved annually upon request of the licensee

[Bill No. 174-1981]

Theater, if located in a Commercial Revitalization District on a site formerly used as a theater

[Bill No. 21-2013]

Transit facilities

[Bill No. 91-1990]

Vapor lounge

[Bill No. 16-2014]

Variety and dry goods store

Veterinarian's office

[Bill No. 85-1967]


[Bill No. 85-1967]

Wireless telecommunications antennas or wireless telecommunications towers, subject to Section 426.

[Bill Nos. 64-1986; 30-1998]

10. Combinations of the above uses.

[Bill No. 111-1968]

11. Accessory uses or structures, including signs (See Section 450), garages and parking spaces for the use of owners, employees, tenants and invitees. A maximum of six coin-operated children's rides are permitted as an accessory use.

[Bill Nos. 111-1968; 29-1982; 89-1997]

12. Nanobrewery.

[Bill No. 19-2015]



By-law change proposed re: annual meeting


RFCA meeting Aug. 12