It’s fun to work with the R-F-C-A


If you are interested in running for a seat on the Rodgers Forge Community Association board (there are many spots opening up!), please contact so we can provide you with details about the process and get your information.

Candidates will have an opportunity to share a brief statement about themselves that will be included in the RFCA newsletter, provided the statement is submitted by August 15.

The deadline to submit a nomination is Sept. 15 (but if you wait until then, you will not have your statement shared in the newsletter).

The annual meeting is Oct. 7. If there are more candidates than spots, online voting and in-person (pandemic permitting) voting will occur. Be sure to subscribe to the RFCA blog ( to stay up to date.

For more information about the process, please visit The RFCA celebrates the diverse voices of our neighbors and encourages involvement by all.


Membership drive is coming up, but you can still join for 2020


Councilman David Marks’ August newsletter