2021 Annual RFCA Meeting October 6th

The RFCA invites all Rodgers Forge residents to attend the annual meeting on Wednesday, October 6th from 7-8:30 PM. We will be meeting via Zoom and ask that you register ahead of time. The Zoom link is as follows: https://ndmu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqcuuspzgpH9SrQ-0QID9k93akLEoAVKPc.

During the meeting, the RFCA board plans to:

  • Review what our community did in the past year.

  • Engage all meeting participants in looking ahead to what we want to see in our neighborhood in 2022.

  • Hold elections for new board members (please see their profiles here).

  • Learn about the RFCA activities for October, including the membership campaign and Halloween festivities.

  • Engage special guest BCPD Captain Chemelli in a discussion concerning the plans to utilize the Dumbarton House as a backup police facility.

We look forward to seeing you there!


2022 Membership Drive


RFCA Candidate Profiles