BOE Vote Tomorrow 9/14

The Board of Education will be having an important vote tomorrow, Tuesday, September 14th on funding for updating Towson and Dulaney High Schools.

The following information is from our Councilman David Marks:

“Tomorrow night, the Baltimore County Board of Education will make a critical vote on whether we move forward on new Towson and Dulaney High Schools.

Over the past several weeks, your local and state legislators have been working hard to correct misinformation about what may happen should the Board recommend replacement schools. I want to thank Senator Chris West, Delegates Cathi Forbes and Michele Guyton, Councilman Wade Kach, and School Board member Julie Henn for their work.

It is imperative that residents contact the Board of Education to support replacement schools at the Towson and Dulaney High campuses.

Please email today. Key points:

* Moving forward on replacement schools here will not jeopardize the ability of other campuses throughout Baltimore County to receive needed improvements.

* Towson and Dulaney High School have been prioritized before and should remain on the Board's list for state funding.

* Like at Lansdowne High School, the Board of Education should appreciate the community's wishes for new, Twenty-First Century campuses that serves our students' needs.”


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