Join an RFCA Committee

There are many ways you can be involved with the RFCA. All residents (regardless of age or how long you have lived here) are eligible to serve on the board.

You can also serve on a committee without being a board member.

Even if you do not want to commit to membership on a committee, you can volunteer for an event or just one action that falls under the responsibility of a committee. Whatever time you can commit, we want you! If you are interested, please send an email to Committees include:

Architecture (time commitment ~2 hours a month): review resident applications for exterior changes to ensure alignment with architectural standards within the Rodgers Forge community.

Communications (time commitment 1-2 hours a month): write or edit articles, layout the newsletter, create surveys, take photos, or any other way your talent can contribute to our newsletter, website, or social media presence.

Events: Easter Egg Hunt, Santa’s visit, spring picnic, Dumpster Day, Halloween and Christmas decorating contests, and more! (time commitment 2-3 hours per event): help plan activities, contact sponsors or prize donors, judge contest entries, create promotional fliers, coordinate vendors, shop for supplies, etc.! 

Green (2-3 hours per event): help organize tree plantings, trash pick-up events, landscaping common spaces, and other efforts to ensure our neighborhood retains natural and clean spaces.

Membership/Welcome: order membership level incentive items for the annual membership drive, deliver membership tags and items to members, deliver welcome letters to new residents, develop other activities to encourage people to join RFCA.

Traffic Calming: poll neighbors on traffic calming strategies for trouble spots, contact relevant government entities to explore solutions.

Your idea: We welcome neighbor initiatives! The RFCA board cannot sponsor them all, but we want to know how we can support your ideas to bring neighbors together, to build our sense of community, and to address collective challenges!


Dumbarton House Update


BOE Vote Tomorrow 9/14