Community Corner: Andrew’s Laughing Gas Fundraiser

Many neighbors may remember Andrew Mercier, a boy from Towson who lost his battle from leukemia in 2019. To honor his memory his parents began a 501(c)(3) nonprofit called Andrew’s Laughing Gas, and send out stuffed animals with remote control fart machines to pediatric oncology hospitals all over the country. To support this effort, there will be a fundraising event at Wiltondale pool on Friday, June 11th.

You can buy your tickets to ALG’s Fundraiser for a fun date night at Wiltondale pool - food, drinks, music, and so many raffles and silent auctions! Several popular local businesses have generously donated to the silent auction/raffle. You do not need to be a member of Wiltondale pool to attend.

To learn more about this great event, visit their website!

This post is organized by private citizens of the community.


RFCA Meeting June 9th


Community Corner: Little Free Library Project