Community Corner: Little Free Library Project

Are you concerned about social justice in our country, but unsure what you can do to help? Members of the Rodgers Forge community, in conjunction with the Little Free Library project, are raising funds to purchase, construct, install, and stock a Little Free Library at the Faith Presbyterian Church in the Woodbourne-McCade neighborhood near Good Samaritan Hospital. Subsequently, we hope to foster a Sister Neighborhood relationship with that community.

Please consider joining this effort, spearheaded by two Rodgers Forge residents.  Our fundraising goal is $500. Can you help us meet it?

Funds will be used to purchase the library, the post on which it rests, the fee to be associated officially with the Little Free Library project, and any leftover funds will be used to purchase books for the library, with an emphasis on those that feature diversity. The Rodgers Forge Eagle Scouts have agreed to construct the library once it has been purchased.

Please consider giving through one of these channels:



Choose Friends and Family option


Use @KateMcGivern

Please direct message Lura or Kate with any questions or if you’d like to donate with cash or check!

Lura Johnson

Kate McGiverm

We invite you to donate, but also to stay involved. Thank you so much for considering helping!

This post is organized by private citizens of the Rodgers Forge community.


Community Corner: Andrew’s Laughing Gas Fundraiser


2021 RFCA Summer “Picnic”