2021 RFCA Summer “Picnic”

Help us plan this year’s event by taking this easy, two-question survey!

Will you attend the RFCA 2021 Picnic?

After taking a year off in 2020, we’re excited to see you again this summer - but we are still going to be taking it easy. This year’s “picnic” may not look like picnics of the past, with watermelon eating contests,  sack races, and sharing food together at the Tot-Lot — but we are pretty excited for what we have in store. 

The 2021 RFCA “Picnic” will feature a neighborhood-wide scavenger hunt to get you in the spirit,  contests to celebrate the beauty and creativity we have here, and even some of your favorite food trucks (though we will ask that you take the food home and enjoy it in your yard/at your dining room table/on the front porch... it’s up to you!). 

Keep an eye out for specific dates, times, and information about the activities in our upcoming blog posts and social media.

Can’t wait to see you this summer!


Community Corner: Little Free Library Project


Neighborhood Safety