Neighborhood Safety

We all value Rodgers Forge for its sense of community and security. However, we are not immune to safety issues. As the weather brightens, COVID-19 vaccinations increase and our community begins reopening after a year of social distancing, we should all be vigilant for each other’s well-being.

Over the past few months, there has been a range of concerning events in the neighborhood and surrounding areas. Below is a selected list of such occurrences - this is by no means comprehensive and also not meant to scare anyone. The RFCA simply wants to make our neighbors aware so we can all look out for one another.

  • Acts of vandalism such as car “eggings" and graffiti.

  • Car break-ins, theft of car parts, and one carjacking near Royal Farms.

  • Underage drinking in public spaces such as Dumbarton House and the school grounds.

  • Reports of a suspicious man in back alleys approaching children (around May 2nd, this is easily searchable on NextDoor and Facebook and the police are aware).

While some incidents are less serious than others, our Towson Precinct Community Outreach Team officer encourages neighbors to report concerns to the police so that they can track patterns and help intervene where appropriate. If something is not in need of immediate attention, you can call the Precinct 6 office at 410-887-2361. Other suggestions are to ensure front and back porches are well lit at night as well as double-checking your vehicle is locked.

Let’s all look out for one another.


2021 RFCA Summer “Picnic”


Gypsy Queen Food Truck Visits the Forge May 12th