We need you on the RFCA board!

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The Rodgers Forge annual meeting will be held on October 7, and, thanks to the pandemic, it will be held via Zoom or a similar platform. Please be sure to check the blog for details on how to participate.

We’d love for you to join us on the board! The deadline to submit a nomination is Sept. 15. If we have fewer candidates than open seats, all candidates will automatically be seated on the board. If not, we will hold an online vote.

If you have questions about running, please contact board@rodgersforge.org. If you would like to formally submit your name as a candidate, please fill out this form.

Details about serving on the board:

Serving on the board is a great way to get to know more people in the community and to help keep Rodgers Forge the strong neighborhood that it is.

There are a variety of “jobs” on the board that fit a wide range of interests – from crunching numbers to helping with fun events to neighborhood advocacy.

Board meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of the month at Rodgers Forge Elementary School or another nearby location. (During the coronavirus pandemic, meetings are held over Zoom.)

The Rodgers Forge board is made up of not fewer than 12 and not more than 23 members. Each board member serves a 2-year term, at which point he or she can run for re-election. (We often have fewer candidates than open board seats, so it’s not uncommon for the “election” to be more of a hearty welcome than a formal vote tabulation.)

To be eligible to serve on the board, a person must live within the formal boundaries of Rodgers Forge and his/her dues must be paid (this can be done at the time of submitting one’s name for the board). Only one person per household may serve on the board. New residents are welcome to join the board!

All elected board members must serve on at least two committees, attend a minimum of 7 meetings per fiscal year, and support the RFC, Inc.’s Mission Statement and Conduct of Board Members Statement (see below).

All board members must participate annually in at least one of the three major events hosted by the RFCA: Dumpster Day, Egg Hunt, Picnic. This requirement may be waived, at the president's discretion, for members who have labor-intensive roles or for extenuating circumstances.

Election of the board shall be by vote of the residents present and voting at the Annual Meeting held on the 1st Wednesday of October.


A Committee is a group of people charged with performing a specific task, or series of tasks, on behalf of the board. In certain circumstances a Committee may be comprised of one person.

A new Committee may be established by the vote of the Board at any time. All Committees shall have someone designated as Chairperson.

Standing Committees

Standing Committees continue from year to year for an indefinite period to perform tasks which are ongoing in nature. Standing Committees are: Architecture; External and Government Affairs; Newsletter/Website; Executive Committee.

Architecture Committee

The Purpose of the Architecture Committee is to maintain architectural standards within the Rodgers Forge community, based on covenants, history, evolving standards and practices, as well as appropriate State and local codes and regulations.

External and Government Affairs Committee

The purpose of the External and Government Affairs Committee is keep the board apprised of actions being taken on the part of governmental bodies, bureaus, agencies, surrounding community associations, or entities of any description, whose actions may have an impact on the quality of life in Rodgers Forge.

The Newsletter/Website Committee

The purpose of the Newsletter/Website is to facilitate communications within the Rodgers Forge community, and to promote community activities.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the Named Officers (president, vice president, recording secretary, treasurer).

Other non-standing committees include:

• Green (tree-plantings)

• Events (picnic, egg hunt, etc.)

• Membership/Welcome

• Traffic Calming (speed bumps, etc.)

More details about the board can be found in the bylaws.

Rodgers Forge Community Association Mission Statement

“It is the mission of the RFC, Inc. to maintain enhance and protect the high standards of the Rodgers Forge neighborhood, to preserve the excellent quality of life in our neighborhood and to establish channels of communication and opportunities for the residents of Rodgers Forge to participate in the growth of the community.”

Conduct of Board Members Statement

In order to serve on the Board of Governors of the Rodgers Forge Community Association, you will be expected to adhere to the following:

• Board members may not present their views as representative of those of the RFC, Inc. Board of Governors where this is not, in fact.

• While serving as a Board member, one may not present one-self or one’s views in such a way wherein it could be inferred that these views represent those of the Board of Governors. A board member who publicly opposes a board position must clarify that he/she is doing so as a private citizen and not on behalf of the board.

• Board members may not usurp the authority, position, or re-sponsibility of any individual on or any committee of the Board of Governors.

• Board members will not undermine Board determinations. Important decisions are typically made via a board vote, with each issue being discussed and every member present having one vote. It is inappropriate to work against a Board decision because one disagrees with the outcome.


RFCA meeting Wednesday, Sept. 9


York Road downzoned to BLR and CB