The RFCA Board Wants You to Join!

RFCA is seeking residents to serve on the board

Do you enjoy meeting neighbors you hadn’t known before? Would you like to welcome new neighbors who just moved to Rodgers Forge? Would you like to help organize community-building events? Would you like to have a say in how we can tackle neighborhood concerns together? Do you have about 2-4 hours a month to commit?

If you say “yes!” (or at least “maybe…”) to any of these questions, we’d like you to consider running for the board! Elections will take place in early October. 

If you have questions or are interested but not ready to put your name forth, please email and a member of the board will contact you.

If you are ready to run, please fill out this form:

More information about what the board does, expectations of board members, and the October annual meeting will be available on our website.

The RFCA celebrates the diverse voices of our neighbors and encourages involvement by all!


Community Corner: Plant a Canopy Shade Tree


Activity at St. Pius Church