The RFCA Board Wants You to Join!

It’s that time of year again! Time for you to consider joining the Rodgers Forge Community Association Board starting in October 2021! We are a friendly, efficient bunch who care about our community, want to help it flourish, and enjoy meeting fellow like-minded neighbors. 

We meet monthly on the second Wednesday evening at 7 pm for approximately 1.5 hours. Board members must attend a minimum of seven meetings annually. RFCA sponsors three big events each year: Dumpster Day, the Easter Egg Hunt, and the Summer Picnic, and all board members must participate annually in at least one of these events. 

Terms are generally for two years, and you must live in Rodgers Forge, be a dues-paying member of the RFCA in good standing, and be at least 21 years old. Only one member per household is eligible to serve on the Board. 

Rodgers Forge Inc. celebrates the diverse voices of all neighbors and all are welcome and encouraged to apply. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and serve the community we all call home! 

If you have questions or are interested but not ready to put your name forth, please email and a member of the board will contact you.

If you are ready to run, please fill out this form:


Community Corner: Little Free Library Update


**Please Respond!** RFCA Architecture Guideline Updates