The RFCA Board Wants You to Join!

We would love for you to serve on the RFCA board! Our next elections are in October and we are seeking neighbors who would be willing to devote 2-3 hours a month in board and other neighborhood activities. Elections will take place on October 6.

What might you get out of serving on the board?

- Get to know neighbors and help welcome new neighbors.

- Decide who wins holiday decorating contests.

- Assist Santa or the Easter Bunny bring joy to children.

- Contribute to processing architectural change applications.
- Initiate a new event to celebrate our neighborhood spirit.

- And more!

For more information about who is eligible to run for the board and expectations, please visit

If you are interested, please go to and share your information with us. Any questions? Please write to Our deadline is September 15 to allow us to prepare the ballot for our October annual meeting.

The RFCA celebrates the diverse voices of our neighbors and encourages involvement by all!


2022 RFCA Membership Drive is Coming!


Community Corner: Plant a Canopy Shade Tree